Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Browny has the baby

I feel sorry for Gordon Brown. It would appear that before Gordon was handed the Labour baby, the baby had a severe case of diarrhoea, and now it's just shit itself in Gordon's arms, all over his best suit!

Since he has taken over, scandal after scandal has emerged and pressure is growing for his resignation. Firstly after apparently bottling it to call a general election, Northern Rock almost collapsed and the government gave them £24 Billion of the taxpayers money. As if that wasn't bad enough a few weeks ago some idiot at the Department for Work and Pensions sent two discs in unrecorded, insecure post containing the details (including the bank accounts) of up to 25 million people.

Now this week Harriet Harlot, sorry, Harman has been accused of accepting unlawful donations for her deputy leader campaign. These donations were made by an influential Labour donor, hidden behind apparent donations of several other Labour supporters and finally through a woman who had no knowledge of them. Subsequently Labour face repaying £600,000 of donations to clear their name!

Oh Gordon Gordon, what are you going to do to keep your party in order. As I said at the start I feel sorry for him, but he's going to have to get his house in order very quickly to maintain any credibility.

Today I watched Prime Minister's Question time. Usually a humdrum affair, today it was explosive! The leader of the Conservatives David Cameron, a laughable and socially impotent man, savaged Brown at the dispatch box. Savaged no less!! Gordon needs something big to come back form this. If a laughable nerd like Cameron savages anyone, it's getting close to their final curtain I'm sure. Unfortunately what Brown needs now is a national disaster, to bring everyone behind him.

The debate, if you could call it that, did have it's comedic moments. Quote of the day has to go to Lib Dem MP Vince Cable with this gem:

"The house has noticed the prime minister's remarkable transformation in the last few weeks from Stalin to Mr Bean"

There's nothing much more to say!

1 comment:

Clair said...

Good, just noticed you're back! Now I can link to you again, thus FORCING you to update more often, heh heh...