Thursday, June 22, 2006

Now India Arie is at it too!

I don't believe that after only one day I am FORCED out of sheer exasperation to write another post on a similar topic.

India Arie (some weird singer-bint) has released a song called 'I am not my hair'!

What the fuck are these people going on about? Listen India, love, I'm not my toenails, but you don't you don't see me screaming about it do you? No I just get on with it!

India says:

Does the way I wear my hair make me a better person
Does the way I wear my hair make me a better friend
Does the way I wear my hair determine my integrity
Expressing my creativity

No but if you have a shit haircut everyone will think your an arsehole, no matter what's inside. And that's just me 'being real' with you, word dog!

Anyway what's with people calling their children India? It's seen to be 'cool' and a bit spiritual and stuff. What with the mysticism of the Himalayas and the ancient techings of Hindu gods etc etc. However coupled with the facts that it's also a developing country with massive overpopulation, environmental degradation, extensive poverty, and ethnic and religious strife, and an ongoing border dispute with Pakistan over the Kashmir region, I think it's a pretty fucking inconsiderate name for a child. Infact why don't you just call your child "your shit, you smell, you can't afford to eat and your neighbour doesn't like you" and be done with it?

Fucking stuck up poncy arseholes, and their pretentious kids and their pretentious music, get's right up my nose!!!!!!

Rant over......for now.


Liz said...

Mick! Where are you? I miss your posts! Come back... Killer and I need our cyper entertainment!

Liz said...

Oh... I meant cyBer. I'm not even sure if cyper is a real word. Regardless, I miss reading your posts and am anxiously waiting your return.